Friday, October 22, 2021

3 Midnight Hunt Additions for Tempo Twobert

This will be a shorter post than the ones for my other cubes and I will only be talking about the cards I have specifically found a home for in my Tempo Twobert.

Tempo Twobert has a very low mana curve and very specific gameplay it is trying to push so I imagine it may not get a dedicated post every spoiler season. That being said I have 3 Midnight Hunt cards that I think will be great additions to the cube! Let's get into it.


I am sure this will come as no surprise, Consider is perfect for this cube. Being the only card making it into all of my cubes, Consider is just a great and cheap bit of hand smoothing and in the Tempo Twobert it fuels the ever present Xerox decks and Delve cards. Slam dunk card for just about every cube I'd ever want to make.

Infernal Grasp

So their isn't actually much room for Doom Blades in the Tempo Twobert. There are just so many efficient ways to deal with the cheap threats the cube sports and at 2 mana you mostly trade even to down. I do however have room for a single copy of this effect and this is hands down the one I want. While it's arguably worse than Power Word Kill, which hits 95% of my creatures and never deals you 2 damage, the 2 damage pushes the fast paced tempo play I want for this cube and especially so for the Death's Shadow and Scourge of the Skyclaves decks.

Faithful Mending

Careful Study and Faithless looting are power houses in this cube. While spending a card to loot is technically card disadvantage in a vacuum, in this cube more often than not you'll be able to turn it into straight card advantage. Digging 2 cards deep and fueling your graveyard on the cheap is very powerful and while Faithful Mending costs 1 more mana than Faithless Looting, what you get for that mana is quite a lot. Instant speed is the obvious upside but that 2 life is actually very relevant in this environment where your life is used liberally as a resource. The fact that it's multicolored has little significance due to the quality and density of fixing my Tempo Twobert provides. I expect Faithful Mending to do very well.

And that's it for me from Midnight Hunt and right in time for Crimson Vow spoilers! Like I've said my Tempo Twobert probably won't get a dedicated post every set as there will probably be sets where nothing makes the cut. For Midnight Hunt though, I am very happy with the 3 I got and I expect it will be one of the better performers in inclusions for this cube. Thanks for reading, cheers!

March of the Machine Considerations for Possibility Cube

Alright this year's been pretty busy and I'm a whole set and a half behind so let's get to talking about March of the Machine! I...